The Crystal Cross

The Crystal Cross is the most valuable thing in Awsome Universe, but there are some other treasures like it. There isn't just one cross there is three, The Crimson Cross, The Crystal Cross, and The Cerulean Cross or collectively The Three C's. Each Cross is made up of a different type of crystal, and the different crystals have different powers. The Crimson Cross is made up of a red crystal, called ruby(the names are like those of the real world but these types have powers), and contains the power of fire. The Crystal Cross is made up of diamond, and contains the power of healing. The Cerulean Cross is made up of sapphire, and contains the power of ice.

(from left to right)The Crimson Cross, The Crystal Cross, and the Cerulean Cross.
The energies of the Crimson Cross are a little more than just fire, I mean it powers Evtor's Fiery Furnace, so it has to have some other ability. Well first off this particular cross contains the most power. "Why?" you ask?  well that is simple. It is unfinished, which means that  it has more of the ruby.  But that isn't enough to power the furnace, and Evtor already has immense fire power(literally), so as an addition to fire the Crimson Cross also grants dark light manipulation.

The ancient Cerulean Cross has been broken after the hundreds of years, and many, many wars it has survived. Yet it is still powerful enough to provide the Fortress with the power of ice. But if the Crimson Cross can't power a smaller base with fire alone then how does Cerulean Cross power the fortress when there is less sapphire? Well that is because the Cerulean Cross has light manipulation embedded into it as well as ice energies.

As you should know by now the Crystal Cross is the most powerful relic in all the realms, and although it has been broken into several pieces it still has powers, even in its current state.  Each piece has a certain amount of healing energies, but when it is put together, the Crystal Cross is so powerful that it can control time itself. Anyone who possesses the Crystal Cross can slow time, speed up time, reverse time, go into the future, or change the past. And the powers can even exceed that with enough power given to the Crystal Cross, it can even open portals to nonexistent realms, like ones that are dead, or ones that have not been born yet. In the picture above the Crystal Cross has been activated in the Bat-cave. Whenever the user activates the time energies that is when it glows like this.

I hope you enjoyed learning about The Three C's!

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